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New sets?

Hi Bob: at first, best wishes for a great 2007!!!
Thanks again for today's set with Christina: you know that I simply love that gold silk blouse LEFT OUT (today for the first time ever: not for the last one, I hope)!
Just one question: have you planned any new set in the near future, especially a 2 models set (you know what I'm desperately waiting for...)?
Anyway, keep up your great work!!!


P.S.: please remember my plots suggestions!

Re: New sets?

Hi Masser

Happy New Year to you too. I thought you would like that set. I have several shoots planned in fact I am already booked up through to mid March Though may be able to squeeze one more in. I haven't forgotten your storyline suggestions either



Re: New sets?

Hi Bob!
At first, congratulation for the Tammy-Jasmine set: it's becoming hotter and hotter!
Just one thing: can you tell me when have you booked a new 2 models set? And which models do you have in mind?
Thanks and keep up your great work!


Re: New sets?

Hi Maser

None booked at the moment though do need to do some


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