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girl bound to a chair on Bondage Bob


Get her back for lots more shoots, man! There's something special about Ariel. Maybe it's everything, I can't decide. I do like the curls.....and the legs......and the attitude......and the eyes.......and the legs. Get it:) Elegant is the word. See if she has a white wool skirt with gold belt and a red blouse with ruffles.....and don't forget the pearls. You are a lucky guy, Bob.

Re: Ariel

Hmm am I sensing it has something to do with Ariel's legs? Trust me foer as long as Ariel wants to I will be working with her she is a great model with a really good attitude and is just fun to work with (like many others I have had the honour of working with)



Re: Ariel

I agree, Ariel is a great actress. Would be great to see many more vids of her complaining!!!! :)

Re: Ariel

EVen better when she is silenced... love her big thick gags. And the fact she likes to button the blouse collar at the top button >:)

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