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girl bound to a chair on Bondage Bob


Can we have more pics like this one please, a glimpse up a nice over-the knee or longer skirt.

Also, such glimpses would be good in video, with the girl protesting at the intusion, ... I think Ariel would be good at acting for this kind of protest ;)

Re: Petra671.jpg

Will see what I can do



Re: Petra671.jpg

This length of skirt is also nice, try to get her knees slightly apart pls in this kind of office-wear pic.

Re: Petra671.jpg

Same here, ... a peek would be nice ... ;)

Re: Petra671.jpg

Or here pls, ... any set with a knee length or longer skirt would be improved with this kind of angle and knees just slightly apart ...

Pls let me know if I've missed any ...

Thanks in advance,

Re: Petra671.jpg

P.S. As you might have guessed from another post, ... even better if you can get the same kind of angle in this setting :) ... Thks ...

Re: Petra671.jpg

P.P.S Yet another example of a really gorgeous skirt that could do with the same treatment ... :)

Re: Petra671.jpg

And of course, ... pls try the same with my favourite Ariel, ... just needs a slightly different angle ...

Thanks again, I'll sign off now for today & wait with anticipation :)


Re: Petra671.jpg

Yet another really nice skirt & great set of pics that just needs a few more pics with a lower angle & knees slightly parted for a nice peek ... after all, who could resist taking a good look at Jessica's legs, given half a chance ... ? ;)
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