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Upcoming sets

Hi Bob!
In the news section you wrote about upcoming june sets: "As usual I don't want to give anything away in case things fall flat but two are old favourites ones a new favourite so fingers crossed they all pan out".
Well, I'm very curious, as you know, and I can't resist: the "two old favourites" are Petra and Morrigan? Is this the new two models set? If I'm right, which scenarios have you planned for these two wonderful models? At least the Buffy-vs-Vampire plot, I hope... (with blouses left out, of course)
And the new favourite... is Hannah? Oh, I really hope so... She's just SOOOO gorgeous!!!
Anyway, thanks again for your great work and also for the upcoming Lucy&Frankie plot: I'm sure that this set will be one of the best in this site, EVER!!!


P.S.: Below you can see a little reminder: my actual favourite blouses that I would like to see left out in a two models set, especially the Olivia's silver one...

Re: Upcoming sets


Wrong on all accounts I am afraid but I am sure you wont be disappointed



Re: Upcoming sets


Ah! ah! ah!
OK, I'm sure that you're right: I won't be disappointed 'cause the result will be great, as ALWAYS!
But I'm still curious: WHO are the girls of the upcoming 2 models set? Two blondes? A total new or an old couple of girls? Mmmm...


Re: Upcoming sets

Hi Maser

I disappoint you again, its two seperate shoots of two old favourites not a two girl - sorry


Re: Upcoming sets

Hi Bob!
Sigh! Sob! I'm desperate!
Please, just bit of happiness: have you planned a new 2 models set? And when? July? August? September? .............?


P.S.: About my favourite blouses: IF you must make a choice, I prefer to see them LEFT OUT in a 2 models scenario, for sure

Re: Upcoming sets


Not sure when the next 2 girl is I am struggling to get single girl shoots done at the moment had 2 cancellations in 2 weeks - I guess I did curse them!



Re: Upcoming sets

Hi Bob!
I understand, don't worry! I'll wait, 'cause the final results will be surely GREAT (like for the new Lucy Zara & Frankie set: THANKS AGAIN for it!!!!)
Don't forget to use blouses left out sometimes, anyway...

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