Bondage Bob Logo
girl bound to a chair on Bondage Bob


Hello everyone,

I hope you are all well, and enjoying Bob's work ; )
I'm here to do some shamless promoting and remind you all
that I have updated with a new set this month called
a rude awakening. I'm on my bed in a rather comprimising
position, a frogtie infact and tied and photographed by Bob

If you like my work pop along, even if it's just to say hi or
read my diary to see what i've been up to this month.

Thank you for your time.


Missey xx

Re: update

Thanks Missey, remind us of your website address....... Hope you are bloused and buttoned up in that set?!?!?!


Re: update

Sorry to disappoint but i'm not wearing anything but rope!

Missey xx

Re: update

Hiya Missey. I always look forward to your shoots, thanks for putting in the work on our behalf.
Just a quick request, looking at Bob's back catalogue, this is yet missing.

Would you consider doing a set or five wearing a Ballet-style Black long sleeve leotard with black tights, or maybe a lycra catsuit? Would suit you so well... (To Bob, happy to fund the wardrobe requirements for that if you like the idea...)

Have fun,

Dave C.

Re: update

Ooh I like it! but I'm suprised are you not a blouse enthusiast?
I'll bear the idea in mind.

Thank you Dave.


Missey xx

Re: update

Hi Missey, thanks for the reply. Glad to see you like the idea. Hopefully Bob will too.
As for blouses, I don't find them disagreeable, but I've not mentioned them before, so you may be thinking of a different 'Dave'. Nevertheless, blouse people have a back catalogue of you there, leotard enthusiasts are still waiting!!

Hope to see this change soon...

Best Regards,
Dave C.

Re: update

Hi Dave and hi Missey

I will certaily look at the idea but dont actually have anything like this in my wardrobe selection



Re: update

Hi Bob. Many respects and thanks for the reply.
If you've access to my email address your end then please get in touch and I can arrange to have anything sent to an address you specify, if you'd be inclined.
Best Regards,
Dave C.
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