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It's a long time without a new shoot with abygail. When do you work with her???

Re: abygail

Hi Nonohe

It is a while since I worked with Abi I am hoping to arrange another shoot soon, she is so great to work with and a gorgeous lady



Re: abygail

Please shoot with satin blouse and ballgag. I like it

Re: abygail

Yeah! And button-up! Shoot some Just Blouse vid! Get her to talk dirrrrty!!

Re: abygail


Abigail probably wont be ball gagged in afraid, she really doesn't like them and will see re the blouse vid



Re: abygail

Just one time as soon as possible ?

Re: abygail

On a slightly different tack - I'd love to see Abi in a headscarf. I think she'd look gorgeous...

Bit more comfortable than a ballgag, so maybe she'd oblige? Any chance do you think Bob ?



Re: abygail

Here you are Razzle. A present from Bhowani - Abigail in a headscarf.

Hope you don't mind Bob. Keep up the great work.

Re: abygail 68-re--abygail.jpg

Re: abygail

Well I have to say thanks very much Bhowani !! Just got back from holiday & only just picked this up - you're a gent ! Lovely picture too - hope there's a set to follow ;)

As a long time member of both your sites, I'd like to say keep up the stirling work to you both Bob & Bhowani !


Re: abygail

Thanks Razzle

And thanks for your continuing support


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