Remake of "The Real Estate Agent"
Date: 17th Aug 2009
Who can possibly forget the series "The Real Estate Agent" that came out several years ago, staring Lana & Katrina?
Is it possible to remake this, with different models, Kobe, Taylor or Monica as the agent, and Tammy, Lucy Zara, or maybe Ariel as the bad girl?
Is it possible to remake this, with different models, Kobe, Taylor or Monica as the agent, and Tammy, Lucy Zara, or maybe Ariel as the bad girl?
Re: Remake of "The Real Estate Agent"
Date: 20th Aug 2009
Hi John
I was really proud of that series I would never say no to a remake and interesting pairing ideas there
I was really proud of that series I would never say no to a remake and interesting pairing ideas there
Re: Remake of "The Real Estate Agent"
Date: 21st Aug 2009
You should be proud of that set Bob - it was well worth the cost of membership. Some small changes would be interesting.
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