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Missey Shoot Sep 09

Hi All

Samples from my shoot with Missey


Missey Shoot Sep 09 81-missey-shoot-sep-09.jpg
Missey Shoot Sep 09 82-missey-shoot-sep-09.jpg
Missey Shoot Sep 09 83-missey-shoot-sep-09.jpg
Missey Shoot Sep 09 84-missey-shoot-sep-09.jpg
Missey Shoot Sep 09 85-missey-shoot-sep-09.jpg
Missey Shoot Sep 09 86-missey-shoot-sep-09.jpg

Re: Missey Shoot Sep 09

Great shots Bob, looking forward to the sets - Missey is a star ! Really liking her outfit in the first few, the gloves are a nice touch ! Was that her idea or yours ?


Re: Missey Shoot Sep 09

Hi Razzle

Sorry about the delay, thanks, was a bit of a tribute tto Harmony there, the gloves were my idea but Missey loved them.


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