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Video Buttoned Collars

Just a suggestion, Bob, but as you know there are a lot of us out there that like our ladies to button their collars when they are bound. Some, like Ariel & Jessica always have their collars buttoned. Myself, I'd like to see a video of maybe 4 different girls buttoning up before being tied. And displaying different feelings about buttoning up, passion, frustration, ect. Thanks Bob.

Re: Video Buttoned Collars

Hi John

Ok will see what I can do, though I hope I get it right as "buttoned up" is not one of my things



Re: Video Buttoned Collars

Loads of us are desperate for this sort of thing, mate!

Re: Video Buttoned Collars

I know you must have loads of your members fantasising about doing a photo shoot with you, Bob, but if the buttoned collar look really "isn't your thing", then I am MORE than willing to act as your consultant on a buttoned up shoot with a model. I believe I know what makes the fully buttoned vintage blouse mindset tick, as I am sure you will have gathered from my numerous posts and rants on the subject over the last couple of years. I assure you that I will bring every attention to detail to assist you to direct photo and video shooting to such a standard as to delight your buttoned-up fans. This is a serious offer. I'm not that far away from your home patch either.

Re: Video Buttoned Collars


Yeah, I do get quite a lot of interest in helping on photo shoots and I have to admit I always put people off simply because I am a bit of a control freak and struggle with others input when I shoot - plus its not actually what most people think it is - dont get me wrong its great fun but its work too. I appreciate the offer as I realise the intent is to help me give the button up fans what they like to see.

I am quite happy to hear your suggestions though as you will appreciate as many "buttoned up" members as I might have is matched by "unbuttoned" members, similarly with tucked in and untucked so I do my best to accomodate everyone its just on occasion, in the heat of a shoot I forget

I plan to do a "buttoned up video" but need the right models as not all of the models I work with - fabulous as they are - are as confident with talking on video.



Re: Video Buttoned Collars

Bob - you are the man!

Just got to say thanks and I truley dig your work...

Re: Video Buttoned Collars

Thanks Sev


Re: Video Buttoned Collars

Hi Bob, hope you have enjoyed your break

just to say big big thanx for those two buttoned up bondage vids shortly before Christmas - the Tigerr and the Ariel ones :D (thanks girls as well, you looked stunning!) REALLY lookin forward to seeing some hot buttoned up girls talking dirty for vid clips in the new year!!!!!!

Have a good one

Re: Video Buttoned Collars

Hi Com_1

Yes I did thanks and finally got back on the internet literally 30 minutes ago.

On my to do list



Re: Video Buttoned Collars

Loved the buttoned up blouse worn by Hannah in the latest Bondage Devil sets.

Any more progress on shooting some full buttoned videos, Bob?


Re: Video Buttoned Collars

Thanks Com_1

Nope not yet on the video


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