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Fiona G shoot Feb 10


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Fiona G shoot Feb 10 152-fiona-g-shoot-feb-10.jpg
Fiona G shoot Feb 10 153-fiona-g-shoot-feb-10.jpg
Fiona G shoot Feb 10 154-fiona-g-shoot-feb-10.jpg
Fiona G shoot Feb 10 155-fiona-g-shoot-feb-10.jpg
Fiona G shoot Feb 10 156-fiona-g-shoot-feb-10.jpg
Fiona G shoot Feb 10 157-fiona-g-shoot-feb-10.jpg

Re: Fiona G shoot Feb 10

Does "Fiona G" go by the name "Fifi Russo" because I reconize her from "Dave Simpson's" Website.

Re: Fiona G shoot Feb 10

Yes you are correct, Fiona G is her fetish work name. She's just done the Bondage X factor on restrained elegance.

Re: Fiona G shoot Feb 10

Thanks Muskrat,


Re: Fiona G shoot Feb 10

Hi Bob

Great to see Fiona G/ Fifi is appearing on your great site, I am a big big fan of hers and I can not wait to see more of her on here. Did you shoot any videos with her which we might be able to see soon?

Re: Fiona G shoot Feb 10


Nice to hear from you and yep I did video of her which is being processed at the moment so will be released in due course




Re: Fiona G shoot Feb 10

Fiona is another great model. Great sets. You have an amazing way of capturing such great photos....
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