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Photo quality

Hi Bob

First of all, I am a huge fan of the site; the models are gorgeous and I love the outfits they are wearing. I have been a member of numerous bondage sites over the years and rate this as one of the best.

However I have been slightly concerned lately of the quality of the photos. They often seem to be far too dark, lacking colour or blurred. The latest sets of Lana and Jasmine demonstrate this; both would be fantastic but I feel they are let down by the poor image quality. This is especially noticeable when compared to the earlier sets on the site and Bhowani's sets which are always crisp and clear.

Hope this doesn't sound too negative - think of it as a bit of constructive (I hope) criticism.

Dr Shiny

Re: Photo quality


The latest Jasmine set was, in fact, one of mine. You're right, it is a bit dark, largely because I was struggling a bit with the lighting levels. Sometimes you don't get to identify these problems until you come to download the pics, and by then it's too late to do much about it.

The Lana set was one of Bob's studio shoots, and I happened to be there at the time. In Bob's defence the particular studio has a lighting set up which doesn't seem to like Fuji digital cameras and produces a yellowish tinge to the pics. Doesn't detract too much from a great set though, does it. Lana looks wonderful as ever and there are some classic pictures in there.

Thanks for your comments


Re: Photo quality


Thanks Bhowani but I think the Jasmine set you may actually be refering to was the 3 part intruder story, and yes with that set I agree the pictures are darker, I was playing with the white balance on that shoot and it had that effect. I wasn't satisfied with the lighting at all and have never used it again.

The Lana set as Bhowani says was effected by the studio lights added to that by not using the flash I was subject to a little camera shake. But in both of these sets I liked them so much that I had to post them. I try and make sure the only times I post slightly blurred pics is when I think the models position and angle of the shot outweigh it.

The earlier sets were different simply because I used a flash alone which, whilst it lit the subject I feel that the use of lights create a better picure. I would be interested on any feedback on this, bearing in mind I haven't used a flash in about 2 years



Re: Photo quality


Thanks for the replies.

Yeah - the Jasmine set I was referring to was the three parter.

I agree - the Lana set was indeed amazing. She always looks stunning especially wearing that satin blouse. If it had been just a bit sharper it would have been perfect. Still an excellent set though.

For me, the sets using a flash are preferable to those using stuido lights. I'm not claiming to be a photography expert but those with a flash seem to be more colourful, brighter and just generally clearer, if that makes any sense. Presumably, Bhowani uses flashes for his sets - is this correct?

Anyway, thanks again both of you for your replies and for making this site one of, if not the best, on the 'net.

The Doc

Re: Photo quality


Yes, I usually use a camera flash - sometimes on a subdued setting , with or without studio lights, although I have been experimenting with other set ups lately. The reason I use a camera flash is because I am a coward!! Using a flash means that the picture will generally be OK, even if you've got the lighting set up completely wrong. The camera flash fills in the gaps and is very forgiving. Also, when I've got some of the most gorgeous girls on the planet bound and gagged in front of me you'll understand that I often get camera shake, and a fast flash gets rid of the effect of that.

Technically I wouldn't pretend to be the best photographer in the world, though I'm learning fast. But the subject - the model, what she's wearing, how she's tied, her expressions etc - is what makes a picture work or not and in that respect I don't think I do too bad!

Thanks for your kind comments. Carry on enjoying the best bondage site on the web.


Re: Photo quality


Some good points raised.

Personally, I can see both sides of the argument; studios lights give the picture a 'natural' look and often creates a better overall picture whereas a flash seems to create a lighter and more colourful image.

I think certain materials (such as pvc, rubber, silk & satin etc) benefit from flash photography as it brings out the 'shine' in the outfit and as a fan of satin blouses etc. I'm all for this!

Keep up the great work


Re: Photo quality

That's a very good point, Hartigan. When I'm photographing a girl in a satin blouse I ALWAYS use flash to get the best effect from the blouse she's wearing.


Re: Photo quality

Hi Hartigan

Good to hear from you again, haven't heard from you in a while. I am always looking at improving my pictures and have aquired a slave, positionable flash which eats batteries and recharges very slowly and a daylight graded flash light (not sure exactly what they are called) but my camera can't seem to cope with it. I will keep experimenting always with the aim of giving you all the best bondage pics on the web. Not sure I will reach the lofty heights of some photographers though.


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