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Leather Skirts

Hey Bob,

It would be great to have a multi girl shoot where both models are wearing white blouses , cleave gags and leather skirts.
Videos too!


Re: Leather Skirts

Hi R

I need to do some two girl shoots real soon so thanks for that suggestion


Re: Leather Skirts

Along this line, one girl rigs the other while wearing a ball or a bit gag. Possible duo of Kendra James & Fi Stevens?

Re: Leather Skirts

Hi John

So the girl rigging is wearing the gag?

I see you like redheads, unfortunately Kendra has kindo unoficially retired so I may not get the chance to work with her again, a very sad thought. Fi is definitely on my must work with again list



Re: Leather Skirts

Got the idea from some Harmony material. I will miss Kendra; I wish her the best.
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