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girl bound to a chair on Bondage Bob

Missey Dec 10 shoot

Hi All

Sample pics of Missey attached


Missey Dec 10 shoot 256-missey-dec-10-shoot.jpg
Missey Dec 10 shoot 257-missey-dec-10-shoot.jpg
Missey Dec 10 shoot 258-missey-dec-10-shoot.jpg
Missey Dec 10 shoot 259-missey-dec-10-shoot.jpg
Missey Dec 10 shoot 260-missey-dec-10-shoot.jpg
Missey Dec 10 shoot 261-missey-dec-10-shoot.jpg

Re: Missey Dec 10 shoot

Hi Bob,

Thanks for a great shoot. I like what I've seen of the pictures, just hope the members do too.

: )

Missey x

Re: Missey Dec 10 shoot

Missey is looking better than usual in these ones. Can't wait till they're up.

Re: Missey Dec 10 shoot

Missey always looks grate :) cant wait to see these pictures especialy Pic03 & 04 set

Re: Missey Dec 10 shoot

I'm looking better than usual Muskroot? Ahem . . what can I say it must have been a freakishly good day te he he or maybe it's just a few good shots, better wait untill you see the whole set to decide if I am looking better nowadays. Just kidding : )

Re: Missey Dec 10 shoot

Missey 's beauty and Bob's talent always gives excellent results.
Bob have the chance to rub women particulary charming for photos and videos.

I feel lucky that the site exist to admire the work (cause i can't find the courage to ask women trying bound games).
Missey seems to be pleased in ropes and scarves bondage and it's just delicous to look at her "distress".

Thank you for the shoots !
Please forgive my "french" version of the english language. (^^' )

Re: Missey Dec 10 shoot

Hi Bob.

Really love the look of these sets with Missey. She looks great, as ever. Looking forward to the sets coming up soon, and wondering if there's a date on the sets that pictures 3 and 4 come from?


And look! A whole post without mentioning dresses or gowns! Oh bugger...

Re: Missey Dec 10 shoot

Lol, I will make that the next set I process after the one I have scheduled for release


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