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girl bound to a chair on Bondage Bob


Hi, i`m a member of your site it`s the best site in the web i wonder if you can make more photosets with the girls wearin shirt and tie

Re: ties

Hi Armando
Again its something I keep trying to remember to do but to honest I hate wearing ties so actually only have 3 and one of those I bought for an earlier set. Will see about investing in some more and getting more tie sets up.

Re: ties

Hi again, 3 ties r enough, u can use them woth diferent shirts

Re: ties

You haven't seen them...actually you have in the Jasmine, Stacy and Jasmine De Launay sets:-)

Re: ties

Hi again, the set of tammy is great, maybe you can do a photoset with her wearing a white shirt and the red tie, i have a question for you, there is a group in yahoo of women in shirt and tie in bondage i wonder if i can put 3 pics of your site, if u dont like i wont post them

Best Regards

Re: ties

No problem, I don't generally mind the odd pic being posted to a group, good job really since there seem to be a lot of them about. What I do mind is when people upload whole sets and worse in my eyes, cut the site name off them! So if you wat to post a couple thats fine.

Re: ties

Tammy is great can we see pics of her wearing white shirt and grey tie? of course in bondage
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