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monica harris elbow strappado

hi bob I like that set coming soon with Monica Harris in the elbow strappado I don't remember seeing pictures posted of that in the forum ,, was this a lost set? looks like what I been looking to see ,, I remember asking you if you could do one in that pretty blouse ,, nice cant wait to see that set . a good show thanks )) jack

Re: monica harris elbow strappado


Thought you would like that and yes it was sometig you mentioned. I hadnt posted pictures in the forum of that shoot - always planned to but didn't seem to get round to it - no idea why not - may try and get some posted today - there were only two sets as it was a quick unscheduled shoot.



Re: monica harris elbow strappado

it looks great and my favorite blouse too))) hope you were able to get some video of this shoot , thanks for the thought))) I'm a fan of elbow tied and strappado tied lady's in a nice blouse ,love how the blouse and the model look stressed )))
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