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Who's the Boss pics

It was worth the wait, awesome set! Someone has to teach her how to tie a nice even knot for her neckscarf though :)

The last pic in the set won't come up however. Some kind of error, please note.

You and Bhowani HAVE to do more sets with the women wearing neckerchiefs. Outstanding (especially since you kept it on and took pics of the gagging process, nice touch)

you had mentioned video of this set, no??? :)

Re: Who's the Boss pics

Hi, thanks and yep I did video and my webmaster was going to process it for me asap.



Re: Who's the Boss pics

Damn straight it was worth the wait (hey, that rhymed). Awesome set! Can't wait for part 2 and the video! Keep up the great work!

Re: Who's the Boss pics

Hi the error in this set is not a missing picture as it looks, it was due to the "thumbs" file generated when I looked at the gallery.

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