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girl bound to a chair on Bondage Bob

Missing Sets?

I'm a new member so bear with me. I just looked at Jessica's sets and there are 2 labeled Secretary 3 and no Secretary 1 or 2. Should the sets that are posted be labeled 1 and 2?

A suggstion I'll drop in here rather than as a new topic. A listing for Bondage Devil and the Kidnapper (Bank Mananger's Daughter etc.) as part of the drop down list under our girls. doing a search for either misses some of the sets.

Thanks for listening

Re: Missing Sets?


Try looking for hogtied secretary 1 and 2 with Jessica.


Re: Missing Sets?

Hi, I have a problem with the set "Brown silk blouse 2" in the image gallery archives : (Taylor 03-Mar-03)
When I check all photos and try to create a zip file : Another page is loading but no link appear.

Have a nice evening. ^^

- Simon -

Re: Missing Sets?

Ok : Me again, with a "cheack all" and uncheacking just the first case witch is attribuate to no photos, the finally link appears.
So the problem come from that first "check case".

See you for my next subscribtion...

Re: Missing Sets?


Glad you sorted it


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