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Well you may have noticed that there are no forthcoming Bhowani sets, the reason for this, simple, Bhowani has taken that giant step into producing his own site. Nope we have't fallen out, I have been encouraging him to take this step on and off for a while as he is so prolific and whilst one set a week was all I could offer, his work deserves a larger airing. I hope you will all support him in this endeavor and I would like to take this moment to wish him all the best!

I will now fill the void left by his absence by increasing my galleries to 4 a week so members will not miss out and have several things in the pipeline which will add an extra element.



Re: Bhowani

Agree with you bob and wish Bhowani all the success in the world and he deserves to get the credit he deserves,his work is unique and gives an insite into the pleaures of silk scarf bondage.
Good luck Bhowani
PhilBob wrote:

> Well you may have noticed that there are no forthcoming Bhowani
> sets, the reason for this, simple, Bhowani has taken that giant
> step into producing his own site. Nope we have't fallen out, I
> have been encouraging him to take this step on and off for a
> while as he is so prolific and whilst one set a week was all I
> could offer, his work deserves a larger airing. I hope you will
> all support him in this endeavor and I would like to take this
> moment to wish him all the best!
> I will now fill the void left by his absence by increasing my
> galleries to 4 a week so members will not miss out and have
> several things in the pipeline which will add an extra element.
> Cheers
> Bob

Re: Bhowani

Hi all

Yes, it's finally happening! After spending two years saying I would stay a freelance and wouldn't launch my own web site, I'm about to launch my own web site. Thanks to everyone who's pleas and comments convinced me to take a step into the unknown. The web site should be going live in a couple of weeks and I'll let you know the address as soon as that happens.

I'd also like to thank Bondage Bob for posting my weekly galleries over the last couple of years and for his help and encouragement with the new site. This is an entirely amicable split - if indeed it is a split - and my guest galleries will still appear here from time to time, and Bondage Bob guest galleries will appear on my site. It remains a fact that my new site and Bondage Bob will be the only sites on the web to concentrate primarily on blouse bondage, so these are the sites you need to be a member of.

Check back for more news soon, and thanks for your generous comments.


Re: Bhowani


Good luck with the new site and keep up with the awesome work.


Re: Bhowani

Thanks Larry and Phil
I'll let you know as soon as I'm up and running


Re: Bhowani

Good luck, Bhowani! I suspect that you won't actually need it, 'cos your work is quality - really looking forward to the site's opening!


Re: Bhowani

Hi Bhowany, GOOD LUCK !!! We attend your new web-site and your new good works. We like very much your style and Bob's style.

Lisa & Bond

Re: Bhowani

Thanks Adam, Lisa and Bond

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