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girl bound to a chair on Bondage Bob

new models?

Hey Bob-
Cheers from the USA and Happy New Year to you and yours!

Long time member here :) - I'm noticing some nice faces that I haven't seen before, yes? It's always nice to see new faces on the site and I still love your work, keep it up (so to speak, heh)

More shoots of girls wearing neck scarves Bob! Video too?!? Still trying to figure out how you get your knot so nice and flat and good looking in your scarf gags. I've tried a few times with the wife, but mine never seem to come out as neat as yours :)

Take care,

Re: new models?

Hi Cit, Happy new year straight back at you.

I know you have been a long time member and am glad your still around and enjoying the site. I will always keep on bringing in fresh faces, it was my plan to work with at least one new model a month, which from one poit of view is easier as there seems to be more models out there doing bondage than when I started. But I wont neglect our favourites!

Will try and remember the neck scarves, promise, and no idea how I get the knots so neat, just a bit of a perfectionist I supose but they just seem to come out that way:-)


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