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Morrigan Set

Bob you should be justly proud of this set. Its beautiffuly shot and very atmospheric. I for one would be very happy to see Jasmine De Launcy in some sexy underwear, long evening gloves, some of your rope and chewing on one of your knotted cleave gags. Patrick

Re: Morrigan Set

Fully agree with Patrick. Not normally a fan of ballgags, but am a huge fan of the beautiful Morrigan. Also especially like what she is wearing, and would second the suggestion that some evening gloves might be nice in a future shoot. Hope most of the feedback you get on this set is positive - after all a little diversity never hurt anyone.

Re: Morrigan Set

If you were worried I might be one of the dissenters, fear not Bob. Morrigan looks stunning and the ballgag really looks good with her lips. Mmmmm. You are quite the artist.

Re: Morrigan Set

Hi Guys and thanks for the great feed back it is much appreciated. I do have a set of Jasmine De Launay tied up in underwear and evening gloves but I used a ball gag in that set too (as it was for another site I was planning but that I decided I just dont have time for) It will be appearing soon and since I will mst definitelly be shooting with Jasmine again I will make a mental note.

Morrigan is a strikingly beautiful woman and I knew her look would work for this set even if I wasn't sure you guys would like it. And I have to say I left what she wore up to her expecting something in leather or rubber, I was thrilled when she came out in the red satin number.


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