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girl bound to a chair on Bondage Bob


Thanks Bob for the condolance message as i lost my aunt June. I thought it was nice of you being in America, (i assume), and caring wot goes on the other side. Anyhoos, the spirit is still high on the agenda of not letting terrorists win so here`s hoping that they see the error of their ways and peace comes again to all.(should point out that im being very polite and not saying wot i would really like to do to those gits, but voilence never solves anything and maybe if they had access to this site it may help them calm down a bit). I remember playing cowboys and indians with my girlfriend,(aged about 9 at the time), and it was a good way of sorting out our differences. So keep up the good work! and many thanks.

Re: London

Hi William

Really sorry about the loss of your aunt I can only imagine how you are feeling.

I am actually UK based though a long way from London but still appauled by the atrocity and angered so I had to be very controlled in my comments or it could have turned into a diatribe and thats not fitting. Your composure given your situation does you credit.


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