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Table turns...

Hi Bob!
In my opinion, some of the best sets in this site are the "table-turns" scenarios, like Kat and Lana in the Estate Agent set or Morrigan and Missey in The Census Taker set...
Have you planned other sets like those, with a long and exciting storyline?
And what about the two-girls set with the Bondage Devil?
Congratulations for your work and, as usual for me, please post more sets with blouses left out!


Re: Table turns...

Hi Maser

I am always trying to think up new stories and do like the table turns sets myself which is probably quite obvious definitely more to come on that front.
Still have the 2 girl BD set in mind and some blouse left out sets to come as I have shot a fre recently



Re: Table turns...

Hi Bob
Thank you: I'm sure that the sets will be great, like always!
I dream about a set with Justine and Morrigan, with the gold blouse with pockets left out!


Re: Table turns...

Hi Masser, Not a combination I had thought of and maybe a little difficult given that they each live a long way from me and a long way apart. I will see what I can dop inthe new year


Re: Table turns...

Hi Bob!
I've just seen the wonderful set with Robyn in leather pants and silk blouse (left out: thanks!)... Wow! She's beautiful! I think that a two model set (see my last post) could be great also with Morrigan-Robyn or Justine-Robyn, if Morrigan-Justine is too difficult...
Congratulations again for your great work!

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