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Ariel shoot

Hi All

Had an awesome shoot with Ariel on Saturday, she is such great fun to work with bubbly and enthusiastic as well as being elegant and a great DiD! Here are a couple of samples

Re: Ariel shoot

A couple more

Re: Ariel shoot

once again, lovely work bob! looks like our lilke damsel is butoned up at the top button. Atleast i HOPE! ;)

that could also be the biggest gag i seen you adminster yet bob....


Re: Ariel shoot

Ariel is an elegant lady & looks great in almost any outfit she is rigged in.
The remake of "Elegance" with the ball gag is phenominal. Can I make a suggestion / request?
Ariel rigged in all black. Black knee length leather skirt, satin blouse (collar buttoned up), high heels. And show her prancing around before tying her up. A black ball gag or black tape gag would be good & compliment the outfit. Thanx Bob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Re: Ariel shoot

Hi Sev, Hi John

Yep buttoned up in two of the sets and it was a prety big gag and definitely a contender to the one I gagged Lexi with in "The job"

Thanks re the remake of Elegance John, Ariel is very elegant it must be that ballet training, Thanks for the suggestion I will certainly file that in my to do list the next time I work with her



Re: Ariel shoot

Hello everyone :) Lovely to see the forum, and glad to see suggestions of how to tie me up in future! Big black ballgag sounds fab; and hello Bondage Bob, the balltie looks great, that was REALLY tough!


Re: Ariel shoot


Looking forward to more of Ariel! Until such time...................................

Re: Ariel shoot

Hey Ariel!
just wanted to say thank you for buttoniong the blouse collar at the top button! SOme of us love that look... adds just a little bit more restraint... hope you were nto TOO uncomfy...
take care!
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