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Missy and Morrigan Shoot

Hi All, here are some sample pics from my latest shoot with these two amazing ladies.

Re: Missy and Morrigan Shoot

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Re: Missy and Morrigan Shoot

Sorry Missey I cant belive I spelt your name wrong on the subject..what a dufuss!

Re: Missy and Morrigan Shoot

Hi Bob!
Have you done only one scenario with Missey and Morrigan?


Re: Missy and Morrigan Shoot


I am afraid so, we ran out of time


Re: Missy and Morrigan Shoot

That looks like a snug coil of rope about Missey's neck! Hope it was not too uncomfy for her, but somehow I have a feeling she is comfy being uncomfy ;)


Re: Missy and Morrigan Shoot

Hi Bob!
For the next time, hope to see one of the 2 models with the blouse left out (one from the collage I've posted recently)...


Re: Missy and Morrigan Shoot

Love that shot of Missy having the folded scarf stuffed & tied into her mouth ! Have been lucky enough to be tied up & scarf gagged myself by Miss Morrigan, so have an idea how she feels - Miss M's hypnotic eyes & amazingly sexy voice could enslave anyone !!

Re: Missy and Morrigan Shoot

Thanks I thought I would try something a little different and missey looks amazing with that gag, and I thoroughly agree about how stunning Morrigan is.


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